Minggu, 10 Mei 2020

Assessment Of Learning

Assessment Of Learning

1.      Definition of Learning Assessment
From the point of view of language, judgment is defined as the process of determining the value of an object. To be able to determine a value or price of an object requires the size or criteria. For example, to be able to say good, moderate, less, there needs to be a clear measure of how good, medium, and less. The measure is called the criterion. From this understanding, it can be said that the characteristics of assessment are the existence of the object or program being assessed and the existence of criteria as a basis for comparing what is achieved with the criteria that must be achieved. Comparison can be absolute, it can also be relative.
Comparison is absolute meaning that the results of the comparison describe the position of the object being evaluated in terms of applicable criteria. While the relative comparison means the result of the comparison is more describing the position of an object that is valued against other objects based on the same criteria. Thus, the core assessment is the process of determining the value of a particular object based on certain criteria. The process of giving value takes place in the form of interpretation which ends with judgment. Interpretation and judgement is a theme of assessment that implies a comparison between criteria and reality in the context of a particular situation. On that basis, in the assessment activities there are always objects / programs that are assessed, there are criteria, and there are interpretations / judgments.
Assessment of learning outcomes is the process of assigning grades to learning outcomes achieved by students with certain criteria. This implies that the object judged is the result of student learning. Student learning outcomes are essentially change in behavior. Behavior as a result of learning in a broad sense covers the fields of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Therefore, in the assessment of learning outcomes the formulation of abilities and behaviors desired by students (competence) becomes an important element as a basis and reference for assessment. Assessment of the learning process is an effort to give value to teaching and learning activities carried out by students and teachers in achieving teaching objectives.

2.      Learning Assessment Function
The purpose of learning is essentially a change in behavior in students. Therefore, the assessment should be examined to what extent changes in student behavior have occurred through the learning process. For example by making changes in teaching strategies, providing guidance and learning assistance to students. In other words, the results of the assessment are not only useful for knowing whether changes in student behavior have been achieved, but also as feedback for efforts to improve the learning process.
In this assessment seen the extent to which the effectiveness of the learning process in seeking changes in student behavior. Therefore, the assessment of learning outcomes and processes are interrelated with each other because the learning outcomes achieved by students are a result of the learning process that they go through (their learning experiences). In line with the above understanding, the evaluation functions as follows:
a.      Tool to find out whether learning objectives are achieved. With this function then the assessment must refer to the formulations of learning objectives as a translation of the subject competencies.
b.      Feedback for improving the teaching and learning process. Improvements might be made in terms of learning objectives, student learning activities or experiences, learning strategies used by the teacher, learning media, etc.
c.      The basis for compiling reports on student learning progress to his parents. In the report, students' ability and study skills were expressed in various fields of study or subjects in the form of achievement values.

3.      Purpose of Learning Assessment
In line with the assessment function above, the purpose of the assessment of learning outcomes is to:
a.      Describe students' learning skills so that their strengths and weaknesses can be identified in various fields of study or subjects they take. By describing the skills, it can also be seen the position of the ability of students compared to other students
b.      Knowing the success of the education and learning process in school, in aspects of intellectual, social, emotional, moral, and skills, namely how far the effectiveness in changing the behavior of students towards the expected educational goals. The success of education and learning is important, considering its role as an effort to humanize or civilize humans, in this case students to become qualified human beings
c.      Determine the follow-up of the results of the assessment, namely to make improvements and improvements in terms of education and learning programs and their implementation strategies. Failure of students in learning outcomes they achieve should not be seen as lacking solely in students themselves, but can also be caused by learning programs that are given to them or by strategic mistakes in executing these programs. For example, inaccuracies in choosing and use teaching methods and learning aids
d.      Provide accountability (accountability) from the school to the parties concerned. The parties in question include the government, the community, and parents of students. In accounting for the results it has achieved, the school reports various strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the education system and the obstacles it faces. Reports are submitted to interested parties, for example the local education office through officers who handle it. While accountability to the community and parents is conveyed through student learning progress reports (report cards) at the end of each program/semester

4.      Principles of Learning Assessment
In addition to the purpose and function of assessment, teachers must also understand the principles of assessment. The principles of assessment referred to include the following:
a.      Assessment of learning outcomes should be an integral part of the learning process. This means that every teacher carrying out the learning process he must carry out assessment activities. The intended evaluation is formative assessment. There is no learning process without assessment. Thus the progress of student learning can be known and the teacher can always improve the quality of the learning process carried out.
b.      Assessment of learning outcomes should be clearly designed what abilities should be assessed, the material or content of the teaching material being tested, the assessment tools to be used, and the interpretation of the results of the assessment. As a benchmark or signs in designing assessment of learning outcomes is a curriculum that applies primarily the objectives and competencies of subjects, the scope of the content or teaching material and guidelines for its implementation.
c.      The assessment must be carried out comprehensively, meaning that the abilities measured include cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. In cognitive aspects include: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation proportionally.
d.      Assessment tools must be valid and reliable. Valid means measuring what should be measured (accuracy). Reliability means that the results obtained from the assessment are consistent or consistent.
e.      Assessment of learning outcomes should be followed by no further. Assessment data is very useful for teachers as material to perfect learning programs, improve learning weaknesses, and tutoring activities for students who need them.
f.       Assessment of learning outcomes must be objective and fair so that they can describe the actual abilities of students.

Indonesian Education Ministry, 2008

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