Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

Assessment of laboratory/practical work
The use of a laboratory situation to assess aspects of a student’s work that may not appropriately be assessed by regular paper-based tests. A wide variety of testing objectives are possible and Brown, Bull and Pendlebury (1997) offer a long list of potential objectives which may need to be included in assessment. As a result of deciding what exactly it is that needs to be assessed, the teacher must decide whether any simple paper-and-pencil test method is adequate, or whether the laboratory needs to be the venue for assessment. Typically, students are required to perform some experimental procedure, note the results and evaluate their findings
Many, including ‘dry practicals’, where the results of a laboratory experiment are presented and students are required simply to analyse them and to evaluate and comment on them. Group work is increasingly a feature of many undergraduate programmes, reflecting the importance of collaboration skills as a course aim. But the assessment of group work brings a variety of problems (Wood, 1991).
Marking systems
These vary, depending upon the approach. Main problems surround how to balance assessment of process versus outcome/analysis/evaluation and standardizing this. The classic science paradigm (methods, results, conclusion) may assist in producing assessment criteria. Work in the assessment of medical students using objective, standardized approaches may also be helpful (Harden and Gleeson, 1979).
This method allows assessment of a uniquely important aspect of many subjects,the ‘real world’ of scientific enquiry.
There are practical difficulties towards making assessment equitable for all students: what happens if a student’s experiment ‘goes wrong’. The cost of this method of testing may be high. It is also difficult to determine assessment priorities (eg, process versus outcome) and rewards.

Oral or viva voce examinations, though commonly used in professional and postgraduate assessment, are the subject of great concern to test developers and psychometricians – especially when loosely described criteria such as ‘sparkle’ are mentioned. Orals have their attractions, but are subject to all the well-known biases and problems of selection interviews, and should only be used in the full knowledge of these problems and how these effects may be minimized. The new practitioner in higher education is counselled to beware of and avoid orals, certainly until he or she has read some of the literature (eg, Wakeford, Southgate and Wass, 1995).
© Individual contributors, 2003
Contextualised Media for Learning
Tim de Jong, Marcus Specht and Rob Koper Educational Technology Expertise Centre, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands // // //

In this paper, we analyse how contextualised media can be used to support learning. Additionally, the
advantages of contextualised learning and the types of learning that are fit to be supported are discussed. Our
focus throughout the paper will be on lifelong learning, and the integration of formal and informal learning
therein. However, we think, to this date, most of the research concerning contextualised and mobile learning has been focusing on technological issues. Therefore, as an attempt to shift the discussion to a more educational perspective, a generic technical framework is presented. The technical framework is based on a reference model that came about as the result of a literature analysis in a previous paper. The reference model should provide a foundation that leads to a flexible and generic technical framework that can be used in a range of different learning scenarios. Moreover, a generic technical approach should aim at an easier integration of contextualised learning appliances into current learning.

Contextualised learning, Mobile learning, Mobile social software, Technical framework, Ubiquitous computing


Susiwi1, Achmad A.Hinduan2, Liliasari2, Sadijah Ahmad3
1Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FPMIPA UPI
2Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA pada Model Pembelajaran Praktikum Diskriptif - Empiris Induktif - Hipotetis Deduktif (MPP D–E–H). Keterampilan berpikir yang tergolong keterampilan proses sains dan merupakan komponen penting dalam suatu penyelidikan meliputi: keterampilan ”merumuskan hipotesis”, keterampilan ”mengendalikan variabel”, dan keterampilan ”merancang percobaan”. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi deskriptif teoretik, dan dilanjutkan dengan studi eksperimental pada implementasi pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan
melibatkan kelompok SMA-prestasi akademik tinggi, dan SMA-prestasi akademik sedang. Masing-masing kelompok SMA-Sedang maupun kelompok SMA-Tinggi dibagi menjadi kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Subyek penelitian seluruhnya berjumlah 216 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan subyek penelitian dari kelas eksperimen sebanyak 130 siswa, yang terdiri dari 43 siswa kelompok SMA-Sedang dan 87 siswa dari kelompok SMA-Tinggi. Adapun kelas kontrol sebanyak 86 siswa yang terdiri dari 43 siswa kelompok SMA-Sedang dan 43 siswa dari kelompok SMA-Tinggi. Untuk mengukur keterampilan proses sains tersebut diatas digunakan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) yang berisi kemampuan-kemampuan yang
dikembangkan dalam praktikum, dan disusun dalam bentuk pertanyaan yang terdiri dari 9 kelompok pertanyaan dengan 15 percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui pembelajaran MPP D–E–H: kemampuan “merumuskan hipotesis”, kemampuan “mengendalikan variabel” dan kemampuan “merancang percobaan” dapat dicapai secara tuntas baik pada kelompok SMA dengan prestasi akademik sedang maupun kelompok SMA dengan prestasi akademik tinggi. Untuk itu perlu diadakan diskusi dengan asisten untuk menindak lanjuti hasil rancangan yang dibuat siswa, terutama untuk mengevaluasi perencanaan alat dan bahan, serta cara kerja sehingga percobaan tersebut aman dan efisien untuk dilaksanakan.

Kata Kunci : MPP D-E-H (Model Pembelajaran Praktikum Diskriptif-Empiris Induktif-Hipotetis Deduktif), Keterampilan merumuskan hipotesis,Keterampilan mengendalikan variabel, Keterampilan merancang