Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013


A.     Experiment purposes
Observing the factors that affect reaction rate
B.     Overview
Find out the references about the factors that affect reaction rates from chemistry for college textbook and another references, i.e. handbook, website !. References should be taken from two textbook of chemistry for college.
C.     Materials and apparatus
Test tube
Analitical balance
Dropper pipette
Beaker glass 100 mL
Aquades bottle
Print paper
Volumetric pipette
Alcohol burner
Bulb pipette
Wire gauze
Measurement cylinder
Watch glass

Magnesium ribbon
4 pieces ( ± 2 cm )
Sodium Chloride 0,1 M
HCl 0,5M; 1 M; 2 M dan 3 M
@ 3 mL
Ferri(III) Chloride 0,1 M
Hydro Chloride acid 0,1 M
25 mL
Marble lump
4 grams
Na2S2O3 0,1 M
25 mL
Marble powder
4 grams
Hydrogen peroxide
@ 25 mL

D.     Procedures  :
1.      Observing the effect of concentration on reaction rate
·         Prepare 4 test tube and fill it with magnesium ribbon that has been cleaned Give the number 1 - 4
·         Fill the test tube 1 with 0.5 M HCl solution of 3 mL
·         Record the time course of reaction with a stopwatch, starting when HCl solution forth until the Mg tape run out of reaction
·         Repeat these steps for the solution of HCl 1M, 2 M and 3 M in the 3rd test tube the other
2.      Observing the effect of temperature on reaction rate
·         Place the 100 mL beaker on a white paper marked X
·         Fill the beaker with 25 mL Na2S2O3 0.1 M solution and measure its temperature with a thermometer
·         Pour the 25 mL of 0.1 M HCl solution into a beaker which already contain    0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution
·         Record the time course of reaction with a stopwatch, starting when HCl solution forth until an X is not visible anymore
·         Repeat these steps, with a solution of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 which is heated until the temperature is 40 oC, 50 oC and 60 oC
3.  Observing the influence of surface area on reaction rate
·         weigh chunks of marble weighing 4 grams
·         Fill the beaker with 25 mL of HCl 2 M
·         Enter the 4 gram lump of marble into a beaker containing a solution of HCl have them
·         Record the time course of reaction with a stopwatch, starting when the marble slab marble inserted until exhausted to react
·         Repeat these steps for 4 grams of powdered marble

4.  Observing the influence of catalyst on reaction rate
·         Fill 3 cups with H2O2 solution @ 25 mL. Give the number 1-3.
·         Add 20 drops of 0.1 M NaCl solution into beaker number 2
·         Add 20 drops of 0.1 M FeCl3 solution into beaker number 3
·         Observe the state of the beaker 1-3 at the same time

Silver Mirror Reaction/Reaksi yang menghasilkan cermin perak

THE SILVER MIRROR REACTION/Reaksi yang menghasilkan cermin perak
(Tollen's Test/Tes Tollen)

Materials Needed/Bahan yang dibutuhkan

Silver nitrate/Perak Nitrat, AgNO3 , 0.10 M (Dissolve 17 g AgNO3 in distilled water to make 1.0 L of solution./Larutkan 17 g AgNO3 dalam aquades untuk membuat 1.0 L larutan)
Potassium hydroxideKalium hidroksida, KOH, 0.80 M (Dissolve 22.4 g KOH in distilled water to make 500 mL of solution./larutkan 22.4 g KOH dalam aquades untuk membuat 500 mL larutan)
Dextrose/dekstrosa, C6H12O6 , 0.25 M (Dissolve 11.2 g dextrose in distilled water to make 250 mL of solution./larutkan 11.2 g dekstrosa dalam aquades untuk membuat 250 mL larutan)
Ammonia, NH3 , concentrated/pekat (15 M)
Nitric acid, HNO3 , concentrated/pekat (16 M)

Glass container/wadah gelas: Florence or round bottom flask/labu dasar bulat, Erlenmeyer flask/labu erlenmeyer, bottle/botol, or other suitable container/wadah yang sesuai lainnya, one liter or smaller/ukuran 1 L atau lebih kecil. The container may be precleaned with nitric acid and rinsed with distilled water before the
experiment/wadah dapat dibersihkan terlebih dahulu menggunakan asam nitrat dan di bilas dengan aquades sebelum digunakan dalam percobaan.
Rubber stopper or cork to fit flask or bottle/tutup karet yang sesuai dengan labu
Beaker/gelas kimia, 150 or 250 mL
Graduated cylinders/gelas ukur, 10 mL, 25 mL and 50 mL
Medicine dropper/pipet tetes
Stirring rod/batang pengaduk

Procedure/Cara kerja
NOTE: This procedure is designed for a 125 mL flask/Cara kerja yang dimaksud hanya untuk ukuran labu dengan volume 125 mL.
Place 30 mL of silver nitrate solution in a 150-mL or 250-mL beaker/dimasukkan 30 mL larutan Perak Nitrat dalam gelas kimia 150/250 mL. Add concentrated (15 M) ammonia dropwise, with stirring, until the brown precipitate just dissolves/Ditambahkan amonia pekat sedikit demi sedikit sampai endapan coklat tepat larut. Add 15 mL of potassium hydroxide solution/kemudian ditambahkan 15 mL Kalium Hidroksida. If the brown precipitate reforms, add additional ammonia solution, dropwise, until it dissolves/jika endapan coklat terbentuk kembali, tambahkan larutan amonia sedikit-sedikit sampai larut.
Pour 3 mL of dextrose solution into the flask/dituangkan 3 mL larutan dekstrosa ke dalam labu. Add the contents of the beaker and stopper the flask/kemudian tutuplah labu tersebut. Shake the flask so that the liquid comes in contact with the entire inner surface of the flask/lakukan pengocokan pada labu agar terjadi kontak dengan seluruh bagian dalam labu. The silver film should begin to form within about 1 minute/lapisan perak seharusnya mulai terbentuk kurang lebih. Continue to shake until the flask has a silver mirror coating (this may take about 5 minutes).
Dispose of the solution and rinse the flask well with water (at least four complete rinsings).
After the flask has dried completely, it may be stoppered with a cork, rubber stopper, or appropriate cap.
The flask may be used as a Christmas tree ornament by attaching a wire tree hangar to the cork or stopper (a screw eyelet may be needed in the cork or stopper.) A drop of super glue placed at top of the flask, at the edge of the stopper, will help to hold the stopper in place.
The coating in the flask or bottle is permanent. Keep the flask or bottle stoppered to prevent oxidation. Do not add any liquids to the container as it will remove the silver from the glass.

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Project-Based Learning Guide

PBL Guide

Project-Based Learning

A Resource for Instructors and Program Coordinators

Brought to you by National Academy Foundation and Pearson Foundation

Project-Based Learning Guide

Table of Contents

Overview page 3

What Is Project-Based Learning? page 4

When to Use Project-Based Learning page 7

Conditions that Support Project-Based Learning page 8

Research Supporting Project-Based Learning page 10

PBL Examples and Links page 11

Project Design page 12

The Six A’s of Project-Based Learning page 14

Authenticity page 15

Academic Rigor page 16

Adult Connections page 17

Active Exploration page 18

Applied Learning page 19

Assessment Practices page 20

Project Delivery page 22


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This project-based learning resource, created as part of a partnership between the Pearson Foundation and the National Academy Foundation, focuses on digital storytelling as a tool and instructional best practice for Academies. The information included in this primer is designed to supplement three exciting, project-based digital arts opportunities available to schools in the NAF network:

Capturing a Career – a project where students create brief “video resumes” that highlight their interests, skills, experiences, and career aspirations.

Digital Storytelling – a project where students from any Academy or course develop and communicate insights about a topic through short video documentaries.

Professional Development Technology Workshops – a “teacher as student” professional development opportunity where participants build teamwork and technology skills as they create a useful video products to support their own programs.

These technology projects provide accessible models of project-based learning and serve as powerful opportunities to advance broader school reform goals through engaging project work.

Technology integration activities are a natural fit for project-based learning. Reasons why technology-based projects such as these serve as exceptional models of PBL and as examples of best practices of classroom instruction include:

Project Authenticity, ensuring students use technology to create tangible products for real audiences beyond the classroom.

Student Engagement, allowing students to shape the curriculum as they make significant production choices throughout the project.

Active Learning, encouraging students to solve problems and communicate their understanding by using technology tools.

Rigorous Communications Skills, developed in the reading, writing, listening, speaking, and presenting activities integral to technology-based projects.

Practical Life Skills, developed through collaboration, decision-making, and critical thinking; transferable to other educational and work settings.

Beyond modeling best practices of classroom instruction, these kinds of technology-based projects also help advance the goals of broader school reform. These experiences align with the six elements in NAF’s framework for school change:

1. Personalization: Technology projects foster a classroom setting that is focused on teamwork, inquiry, and shared expectations for student work.

2. Academic Engagement of All Students: Technology projects allow all students, regardless of background, to participate in deep learning experiences and develop workplace skills.

3. Empowered Educators: Technology projects encourage teachers to make key decisions about how to design curriculum and instruction and provide opportunities for teachers to develop their own technology skills.

4. Accountable Leaders: Technology projects give site officials tangible evidence of student learning through student products and performances.

5. Engaged Community and Youth: Technology projects provide ample opportunities for parents, employer partners, and other community members to interact with students and their work in meaningful ways.

6. Integrated System of High Standards, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessments, and Supports:

Technology projects can provide a school or Academy with excellent, performance-based assessment options for their overall instructional system.


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What Is Project-Based Learning?

From the primary-grade teacher who engages students in studying spiders for a month to the high school physics teacher who has students build a bridge from balsa wood, nearly all teachers say that they include “projects” in their teaching repertoire. Upon closer examination, however, the distinctions between units, exercises, activities, performance assessments, problems, and projects are not particularly clear. While educators differ in their use of these terms, the definition here pulls together ideas from best practices, research, and curriculum experts.

Well-designed projects ask students to:

Tackle real problems and issues that have importance to people beyond the classroom.

Projects emanate from issues of real importance to students and adults in the community and answer the age-old student question “Why do we need to know this?”

Actively engage in their learning and make important choices during the project.

Projects make room for student choice and creativity while still demanding student mastery of essential content, enabling students and teachers to interact as co-learners in the experience, rather than in the traditional student-teacher relationship.

Demonstrate in tangible ways that they have learned key concepts and skills.

Projects provide opportunities for students to produce observable evidence that they have mastered rigorous curricular standards as they apply their learning and solve the problem at hand. Projects and exhibitions also provide extensive evidence of process work and self-directed learning.


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Projects vs. Activities

Many so-called “projects” found in schools are more accurately termed “activities.” Here are some examples of both:

Students in a history class Students in a history class spend three weeks focused
study Westward Expansion for on the essential question “How did Westward
three weeks, culminating with a VS Expansion impact our community?” Students learn
“Frontier Feast” where students about the period, research local connections, and
dress in period costumes and eat design a museum exhibit featuring historical artifacts,
typical western fare from the era. primary source documents, and expert commentary
from local historians. The exhibit is mounted in the
community center lobby, and students serve as docents
to the general public.

Students in a Spanish class study Students in a Spanish class spend five weeks
Central American nations for collaborating with a travel destinations course to
five weeks. Students select a design travel briefings for members of a local service
country, conduct research, write club who are considering planning a volunteer work
a two-page report, and give a VS trip somewhere in Central America. Integrated student
three-minute oral presentation (in teams provide club officials with written and oral reports
Spanish) about their country to outlining important considerations when traveling to
the class. various Central American countries. Students learning
Spanish translate oral presentations onto audio for later

Students in a principles of Students in a principles of business class study
business class study management management skills and work with a local business
skills, complete a “personal partner to answer the question “How can we help
skills inventory” assessment, managers develop new skills on the job?” After
interview a manager at a local VS conducting surveys and research, students design a
business, and write a paper that website that provides managers with links, resources,
describes what they think are and tips for developing their skills in 10 key areas. To
the three most important skills launch and promote the website, students make a
for managers to succeed in the formal presentation to three actual managers at their
workplace. employer partner’s workplace.


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Types of Student Work

Curriculum experts Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe describe distinct types of student work in their book Understanding by Design (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development [ASCD], 2005).

Quiz and Test Items    • Highly structured

Close-ended, have a “right answer”

Focused on factual information, concepts, or discrete skills out of context

Examples: worksheets, end-of-chapter questions, state or national exams

Academic Prompts     • Often “ill structured” – require a strategy to answer

Open-ended, require judgments to be made during scoring

Usually under “exam conditions” with the teacher as the audience

Examples: essay questions, problem solving on class exams

Performance Tasks • Complex challenges that culminate in one or more products or
(includes projects) performances
• Range from short-term tasks to multidimensional projects
• Require students to apply knowledge and skill to solve a problem
• Real-world audience and context for the work
Examples: science fair projects, formal debates, video documentaries


Stanford University’s  School Redesign Network includes links to many resources that help define and understand PBL. (http://www.schoolredesign.net/srn/server.php?idx=850)

PBL is consistent with best practices in instructional design. To learn more, visit ASCD’s  Understanding by  Design Exchange. (http://www.ubdexchange.org/default.html)


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When to Use Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a powerful tool in a teacher’s repertoire of strategies. Given the effort required to design and implement a good project, teachers need to ensure that they are using the strategy at the right time and for the right reasons. Here are some key questions that teachers should consider when deciding if a PBL experience is suited to their instructional needs:

Do the content standards call for demonstration, application, performance, or understanding?

PBL lends itself perfectly to performance-based assessments, applied learning, and demonstration of deep content understanding. During the project planning phase, teachers must make sure that the project will result in student-generated evidence of learning that aligns closely with intended skill and content standards. However, PBL is not the best solution for teaching discrete skills out of context, such as spelling or keyboarding.

Is there a way to capitalize on opportunities in the community through a PBL approach?

While beginning project design with the content standards can work, some teachers find it more useful to start instead by uncovering timely issues from their school or community. Using this approach, project ideas can emerge from local environmental conflicts, regional development proposals, or national political issues. Once they’ve found the “hook” for the project, teachers can “backward map” their design to ensure that required content standards are adequately addressed.

Is there enough time and are the necessary resources available?

Practical considerations must be made when deciding if a project is appropriate. In terms of instructional time, projects can actually save time if standards and content are delivered through
– and not separate from – the project. If resources are an issue, project plans can often be scaled back to accommodate constraints while preserving the power of the experience. However, there are instances when time and resources conspire to make PBL a less-than-appropriate choice.

Can standards, skills, and habits of mind be prioritized and sequenced so that the project is doable?

While PBL does enable teachers to meet simultaneous outcomes in the classroom, project plans can become unwieldy and undoable if too many standards and learning objectives are packed into a limited timeframe. Through experience, teachers can learn to design and deliver projects that fit and further their course objectives.

Can all students be supported to produce high-quality work?

Well-designed projects include appropriate scaffolds that set students up for success. These supports, which can include things such as peer tutoring on important concepts or additional training on key technological skills, are often the difference-makers for students on the margins. Examples of quality products, explicit feedback on draft work, and careful sequencing of necessary skills are other key components in helping all students to achieve at high levels.


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Conditions that Support Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning strategies thrive within classrooms that are learning-centered environments. The classroom, school, and community conditions described here – many of which are precursors to powerful instruction of any type – help teachers and students alike in their PBL work.

In the Classroom

Conditions within the classroom itself have the greatest impact on successful project design and implementation. Key factors include:

Safe, respectful learning environments

The physical and intellectual safety of all learners must be protected so that students can take the learning risks demanded by complex project situations. Teachers must set clear behavioral boundaries and encourage an atmosphere where competing ideas can coexist respectfully.

Personalized teacher-student relationships

Skillful teachers get to know their students well enough to be able to customize (or “differentiate”) project instruction to the needs and interests of individual learners. This requires intentional relationship-building with students; active, respectful listening on the part of teachers; and real opportunities for students to co-create their learning environment.

Productive peer relationships

The advanced teamwork skills that most projects require of students call for a classroom environment where students know, trust, and value each other and are ready to engage in intense collaborative situations. Skillful PBL practitioners also know how to limit and redirect standard competitive urges students may exhibit and instead build a true community of learners.

Transformed teacher roles

PBL transforms the role of the teacher from content provider to learning coordinator. As a result, teachers spend less time lecturing and leading and more time planning, observing, listening, coaching, and facilitating.

Intensified teacher engagement and commitment

In a PBL environment where teachers ask students to engage fully in their own learning and exhibit their work beyond the classroom, teachers must reciprocate and model an elevated level of commitment in return. This means going the extra mile for students, responding to individual needs, maintaining expectations of success for all, and refusing to let students “hide” or get by with halfhearted efforts. Teaching in this way is not for the faint of heart, but it is deeply rewarding. Ultimately, students do not care how much teachers know until they know that they care.

At the School

Beyond the classroom, PBL works best when the broader school environment provides numerous supports. Schools can foster PBL through:

Supportive school structures

Schools that most successfully personalize instruction tend to be small or feel small, often by grouping students into cohorts of around 100 students. Small schools and small learning community programs allow teachers to team up on project design and implementation and provide ideal settings for curricular integration. In addition, schools that provide daily schedules with extended blocks of instructional time are well suited to the use of PBL as an instructional strategy.


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Professional collaboration

With or without teacher teaming, PBL benefits from quality collaboration between teachers. The ability to share project ideas, strategies, resources, and results can make a tremendous difference for educators, particularly during the early stages of their careers or PBL efforts.

Administrative support

The active support of principals and other building-level leaders is essential if teachers and students are to sustain their PBL efforts over time. Tangible supports that administrators can provide include funding for project materials, staff development opportunities, and verbal and written support for teachers using PBL strategies.

In the Community

The broader local community is the final piece of the PBL support puzzle. Potential supports that exist beyond the school grounds include:

Parent involvement in learning

Parents can play a key role in supporting PBL by engaging with their students in the inquiry process, providing additional resources to the classroom, and serving as audience members for public exhibitions of student learning. Some teachers even train parent teams to provide formative assessment feedback to students on draft project work. The authentic nature of well-designed projects helps teachers move parental involvement beyond the bake sale into truly meaningful engagement in learning.

Community partnerships

Community organizations, employer partners, and institutions of higher education can also support classroom PBL efforts in a multitude of ways. Some of these partners can provide the impetus
for a project by “subcontracting” students to solve real problems for their school, business, or organization. Others can work with classroom teachers to provide adult mentors, project directors, content experts, and exhibition panels. It turns out that the old adage is true – it really does take a village to raise a child.


The  Small Schools Project boasts an amazing collection of resources to assist those educators creating small learning communities and small schools where PBL can thrive. (http://smallschoolsproject.org/)

The  High Tech High network features schools designed to support PBL in the classroom. (http://www.hightechhigh.org/)


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Research Supporting Project-Based Learning

The wide variety of project-based learning definitions, theories, strategies, and supports poses challenges to those conducting academic research on the approach. Despite these limitations, an increasing body of knowledge in the field suggests that PBL benefits both students and teachers.

For example, research by Dr. Fred Newmann of the University of Madison-Wisconsin shows that “authentic intellectual work” – a strategy that shares many of the features of high-level PBL – boosts student achievement, even when assessed by standardized measures. Newmann used three criteria to define instruction that was “authentic”:

Construction of knowledge – authentic work asks students to engage directly in experiences designed to build their understanding of new content.

Disciplined inquiry – authentic work connects new learning to students’ prior knowledge base, requires them to develop an in-depth understanding of concepts, and asks them to communicate their learning through oral and written methods.

Value beyond school – authentic work ensures that student inquiry and work products operate within a real-world context that students and adults outside the classroom consider worthwhile.

In addition, according to an analysis of PBL research completed in 2000 by Dr. John W. Thomas, evidence can be found to support the following:

PBL is more popular with students and teachers than traditional methods.

Compared to other instructional models, PBL enhances the quality of student learning in subject matter areas.

PBL seems to be equal to or slightly better than other models of instruction for producing gains in general academic achievement.

PBL is an effective strategy for teaching complex skills such as planning, communicating, problem solving, and decision making.

PBL can help increase student attendance, attitude, and self-reliance. For teachers, PBL can help increase professionalism and collaboration.

In order for PBL to succeed, teachers must provide support for students in skills such as inquiry learning, effective technology use, metacognition, and workplace skills (for example, time management).

PBL effectiveness is enhanced when incorporated into whole-school change efforts.


Read about  Dr. Fred Newmann’s research on authentic intellectual work. (http://www.consortium-chicago. org/publications/p0a02.html)

Read  Dr. John W. Thomas’s study of PBL as an instructional strategy to create rigorous and relevant learning experiences. (http://www.bobpearlman.org/BestPractices/PBL_Research.pdf)


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PBL Examples and Links

Many outstanding project-based learning examples and resources are available online thanks to educators around the world. Here are some of our favorite sites:

Project Examples

 PBL at NAF, Digital Storytelling for Academy Students and Instructors (http://pearsonfoundation.org/NAF)

The NAF/Pearson Foundation Digital Storytelling Project is modeled on exemplary PBL principles.

 What Kids Can Do (http://www.whatkidscando.org/index.asp)

This national nonprofit organization focused on student voice has links to several outstanding projects in their “projects and products” section (under “Student Work & Voice”).

 STEPs (link to http://itd.usd259.org/steps/pbl.htm)

The Standards for Teachers through Educational Projects site includes video downloads of exemplary projects.

 Edutopia – The George Lucas Educational Foundation (http://www.edutopia.org/)

The George Lucas Educational Foundation’s includes video clips highlighting exemplary projects.

 Great Student Work (http://www.bobpearlman.org/BestPractices/StudentWork.htm)

Educational reform expert Bob Pearlman offers links to exceptional project examples and assessments from around the globe.

Project-Based Learning Resources

 The Buck Institute for Education (http://www.bie.org/)

The website offers an outstanding primer on all aspects of PBL, including design, implementation, assessment tools, and examples of quality projects.

 WestEd PBL Network (http://www.pblnet.org/)

A national network of schools and resources focused on PBL produces this support site.

 International Education and Research Network (iEARN - Canada) (http://www.iearn-canada.org/guideontheside.html)

A vast array of PBL-related topics, examples, tools, and ideas for teachers is provided by the Canadian chapter of the iEARN network.

 Global Schoolhouse (http://www.gsn.org/web/pbl/pedagog.htm)

This site includes a great synthesis of PBL information, as well as opportunities for teachers to become involved in projects around the world.

Project-Based Learning Training

 Swanson & Cosgrave Consulting (http://www.swansonandcosgrave.com)

With over 25 years of PBL teaching and training experience, this team of educators provides customized PBL training for schools and districts.

 The Buck Institute for Education (http://www.bie.org/pbl/training/index.php)

This California-based foundation provides K-12 training as well as problem-based learning workshops for economics educators.

 Leslie A. Texas (texasconsulting@bellsouth.net)

A teacher trainer with deep experience in math and science, Leslie Texas is known for engaging PBL seminars.


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Project Design

Designing projects that are rigorous and relevant is no simple feat. To ensure that instructional time spent on projects is worthwhile, teachers need a design framework that enables them to think through the many levels of standards, skills, and other course objectives that their PBL experience will address. One such framework is the “simultaneous outcomes” model. This complex overview of project learning outcomes, adapted from the work of Dr. Art Costa and Dr. Bena Kallick, provides a powerful argument for the use of sophisticated instructional methods such as project-based learning.


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Framework Overview

When applied to PBL design, the simultaneous outcomes framework shows how teachers can create projects that operate on several levels at the same time. The best projects skillfully weave together opportunities for students to engage in classroom activities (Level 1) that address content standards (Level 2) while encouraging them to develop habits of mind (Level 3) and the ability to take responsibility of their own learning (Level 4). Below are detailed descriptions of each design level.

Outcome Level Descriptors

Level 1: Classroom Activities

At the most basic level, teachers involve students in activities that determine how they spend their time in school. Teachers must ensure that activities are engaging and aligned to the next three outcome levels. Good classroom activities provide a context for learning and help students to understand key academic concepts. In addition, well-designed activities allow students to practice the process and thinking skills needed, such as comparing, analyzing, and evaluating.

Key project design questions:

What will students do as part of this lesson or project?


Read an article

Work in a group to write a script

Edit a video


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Level 2: Content Standards

The activities planned on Level 1 must help students to learn the concepts and skills from course content standards (Level 2). It must be noted that the current focus on accountability, testing, and standards puts tremendous pressure on teachers to emphasize – and stay – at this level of instructional design, despite the essential learning that lies in the next two levels.

Key project design questions:

• What are the essential concepts and skills that I want students to learn during this project?

What will I accept as evidence that they have learned it?


Concepts that come from the heart of the discipline, such as cell division, federalism, credits vs. debits

Evidence of learning credits vs. debits might include designing an accounting spreadsheet and entering receipts and accounts payable data for a real or simulated business

Level 3: Habits of Mind

The third outcome level addresses the habits of mind, a set of “intelligent behaviors” that all people exhibit when they’re acting intelligently (also developed by Costa and Kallick). Teachers and university scholars often cite these 16 habits as the most critical outcomes of all.

Key project design questions:

Which habits of mind do I want students to develop during this project?


Flexibility in thinking



Level 4: Self-Directed Learning

Finally, the outmost level addresses self-directed learning and the skills students can transfer to all aspects of their life. Ultimately, teachers create project opportunities to teach students to learn on their own in all sorts of contexts and settings.

Key project design questions:

What will students ultimately learn about their learning as a result of this project?


Self-managing – teaching students to organize their own time and resources

Self-monitoring – teaching students to evaluate their own progress and work quality

Self-modifying – teaching students to make their own changes and adaptations


Learn more about Costa and Kallick’s  Habits of Mind at the official HOM website. (http://www.habits-of-mind.net/)


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The Six A’s of Project-Based Learning

The Six A’s constitute a powerful list of features that are present in high-quality classroom projects. Many teachers use these six factors as a quality check during the project design process. The Six A’s were first developed by Adria Steinberg of Jobs for the Future. Click on highlighted titles to learn more about incorporating each feature into project plans.


Projects designed with authenticity infuse student work with purpose and passion by connecting project work to real-world issues that students care about.


Projects that feature academic rigor challenge students to fully engage their minds by mastering content standards and using professional-level thinking skills.


Projects that incorporate adult connections support and inspire students through the meaningful involvement of adults beyond the classroom.


Projects with active exploration engage the bodies and minds of students through hands-on, field-based work.


Projects that integrate applied learning push students to use their learning right away and to practice important skills demanded by the workplace.


Projects with quality assessment practices provide opportunities for students to receive relevant feedback during and after their project work.


The  Six A’s Rubric from the Buck Institute for Education assesses project designs against Six A’s criteria. (http://pearsonfoundation.org/NAF/downloads/SixAsProjectDesignRubric.pdf)

Adria Steinberg’s book  Real Learning, Real Work first identified the Six A’s in 1998. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/041591793X/104-2992838-7883901?v=glance&n=283155)


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Arguably the most critical of the Six A’s elements, authenticity infuses student work with purpose and passion. Projects that feature authenticity:

Solve a problem or question that has meaning to the student.

Involve a problem or question is actually tackled by adults at work or in the community.

Require students to produce something that has personal and/or social value beyond the classroom.

Part of the secret to designing authentic projects is to ensure that there is a real-world use for the products or services that students produce. Traditionally, most student work is created for the insulated world of the classroom and is rarely seen by anyone except a teacher. In contrast, authentic projects seek to create work that fills needs or interests in the broader school, community, or world. And, by wrapping course content around truly relevant issues and challenges, teachers can ensure that learning takes place within a meaningful – and memorable – context. Students engaged in truly authentic projects don’t ask the question, “Why do we need to know this?”

Examples of projects that feature authenticity

Students teach workshops on TECHNOLOGY Students assist school staff in

predatory lending practices Student teams provide planning their actual vacation
to parents and community networking services to needy travel.
members who are targeted by community entities such as
lending scams. nonprofit agencies.

Students study and practice Students study local Students use their
specific painting techniques, development issues and computational skills to calculate
develop lesson plans, use their written and oral the surface area of buildings at
and teach the techniques communication skills to their school that are scheduled
to students at a local develop persuasive essays and to be painted at an upcoming
elementary school. presentations that are shared volunteer work day. Their
with government officials. findings are used to determine
the amount of paint needed for
the job.

Students conduct research Students conduct research Students use their language
about how lifestyle choices on historical issues that have skills to provide basic
contribute to health problems local significance and prepare translation services to
found in their community informative museum exhibits immigrant families in the
and develop informational that are displayed at local community who need
brochures aimed at teaching businesses and community assistance in dealing with
others how to stay healthy. display cases. school officials, employers, etc.


The  Virtual Schoolhouse documents exemplary K-12 projects that reflect a range of school, district, and classroom models. (http://virtualschoolhouse.visionlink.org/pbl.htm)

UC Berkeley’s  Urban Plan Project site shows how UC students pair with inner-city high school kids to learn urban planning and present their ideas to the various commissions and communities they impact. (http://citiesandschools.berkeley.edu/)


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Academic Rigor

When projects feature academic rigor, students face challenges that fully engage their minds. Academically rigorous projects:

Lead students to master and apply content standards and knowledge central to one or more disciplines or content areas.

Challenge students to use methods of inquiry central to one or more disciplines (for example, to think like a scientist, historian, etc.).

Require students to develop higher-order thinking skills and habits of mind (for example, searching for evidence, taking different perspectives).

Designing academically rigorous projects requires teachers to build in opportunities for students to wrestle with big ideas and produce clear evidence that they have mastered content standards. Ensuring rigor may also mean that favorite activities – such as producing artistic products that are all “sizzle” but no “steak” – may need to be altered or abandoned in favor of more authentic demonstrations of learning. Some experienced PBL teachers use essential questions to help focus their projects on issues that require significant intellectual work.

Examples of projects that feature academic rigor

Students create print and TECHNOLOGY Student teams create an

web-based financial literacy Student teams develop “how- informational website for
materials for use with other to” manuals explaining how students interested in careers
students and young adults. to set up and troubleshoot a in hospitality and tourism.
computer network.

Students apply learning Students write, edit, and Students use their
about playwriting and produce a school paper or understanding of trigonometry
dramatic genres by writing newsletter. to calculate the height of
and producing short scenes buildings.
that reflect different styles.

Students analyze the quality Students conduct oral Students write, edit, and
of city drinking water and interviews with Vietnam publish a newspaper or
produce, present, and defend veterans and write papers newsletter in the language
their report in front of a panel comparing the vets’ they are studying.
of local scientists and city experiences with accounts
officials. found in their history texts.


The  Standards for University Success are a carefully designed set of standards for incoming college freshmen and can form the basis of deep and meaningful projects. (http://www.s4s.org/cepr.s4s.overview.php)

Mt. Diablo High School’s  Digital Safari shows several projects aligned to California state standards. (


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Adult Connections

Powerful project-based learning experiences require meaningful involvement from adults beyond the classroom. Projects that feature adult connections:

Allow students to meet and observe adults with relevant expertise and experience.

Give students an opportunity to work closely with at least one adult.

Ask adults to collaborate on the design and assessment of student work.

While teachers still play the pivotal role in PBL experiences, the best projects also involve other adults from the broader school community. These individuals can support the project in a variety of different capacities, including guest speaker, content expert, interviewee, mentor, project coordinator, guest artist, client, and presentation audience member. Some projects involve multiple adults serving in several of these roles. For project designers, the key is to find opportunities for meaningful, personalized contact between students and adults committed to their learning and growth.

Examples of projects that feature adult connections

Student teams work with TECHNOLOGY Students interview managers

employer partner mentors to District IT staff reviews student in different sectors of the
develop balanced portfolios drafts of school networking hospitality and tourism
for prospective investors. plans and provides feedback industry to learn about
on how to improve the plans. effective leadership strategies.

Students work with a local Writers and editors from the Students interview employees
guest artist to produce an art local newspaper staff act as from local companies to
exhibit on homelessness in guest speakers in a journalism discover how math skills are
the community. class that produces a monthly used on a daily basis in a
paper. variety of jobs.

Scientists from a local Students in a government class Students serve as interpreters
university act as project poll local voters to determine for parents and community
mentors for student teams their views on key issues in an members at important school
researching native plant upcoming election. events.


Read the American Institute of Biological Sciences’  case study on mentoring at the high school level. (http://www.aibs.org/eye-on-education/eye_on_education_2005_07.html)

UC Berkeley’s  Career Academy Support Network (CASN) offers an online Mentor Handbook that includes templates and other practical tools for formally working with adults beyond the classroom. (http://casn.berkeley.edu/resources/mentor_handbook.html)

 MentorNet’s site helps connect mentors with high school science and engineering students. (http://www.mentornet.net/Documents/About/Programs/one_on_one.aspx)

 Oregon Mentors is an example of a statewide consortium to provide mentors for classroom and internship work. (http://www.ormentors.org/)


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Active Exploration

Great projects involve students in active, hands-on work that engages their bodies and minds. Projects that feature active exploration:

Ask students to spend significant amounts of time doing field-based work.

Require students to engage in real investigation, using a variety of methods, media, and sources.

Expect students to communicate what they are learning through formal exhibitions.

Exemplary project designs demand that students move beyond the role of passive recipient of knowledge. Instead, students are required to actively question, research, explore, analyze, and present. They literally get their hands and feet involved in the work of the project – and in doing so, they are required to use different modes of thinking and learning. Students engaged in active exploration tap into resources and opportunities beyond the walls of the classroom, and are enriched by the experience.

Examples of projects that feature active exploration

Students interview local small TECHNOLOGY Students work with a local

business owners to develop Student teams develop hotel to develop and deliver
case studies for a report on websites for nonprofit agencies training workshops for new
entrepreneurship strategies. in the community. employees.

Students write, rehearse, and Students read a variety of Students survey their
perform an original dramatic technical manuals, then write classmates on a variety of
work. their own technical article current issues and produce
describing how to complete a a thorough and accurate
task on the computer. statistical analysis of the data.

Students use proper scientific Student teams conduct original Students work with native
sampling techniques as they research on a local historical speakers of the language
study the impact of non-native event through interviews and they are studying to create a
insect species on their local examination of official public dictionary of conversational
ecosystem. records. slang.


The  What Kids Can Do site features many student “action research” projects that have impacted the community and has powerful examples of student work (Fires in the Bathroom) and processes (Students as Allies in the Work). (http://www.whatkidscando.org/index.asp)

This template for the  Boston Public Schools’ Signature Projects shows how all seniors must create a project that includes active exploration as a key component of the work. (http://boston.k12.ma.us/stc/signature.htm)


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Applied Learning

The best PBL designs push students to use new learning right away and to practice important skills demanded by the workplace. Projects that feature applied learning:

Involve learning that takes place in the context of a semi-structured problem, grounded in real-world issues and settings.

Lead students to acquire and use competencies expected in high-performance work organizations (for example, teamwork, problem solving, and communications).

Require students to develop organizational and self-management skills.

Exemplary PBL designs develop deep student learning on multiple levels, as suggested by the simultaneous outcomes model (page 12). The first part of this design challenge is to intentionally and explicitly layer content standards, thinking skills, habits of mind, and lifelong learning aptitudes into the project. The second challenge is to plan experiences that require students to immediately use their newly acquired content and skills to solve a problem or challenge. This applied and “just-in-time” model not only builds in student engagement; it also helps to cement and deepen learning.

Examples of projects that feature applied learning

Students use accounting TECHNOLOGY Students employ event

skills to help set up a financial Student teams use teamwork management and food
record-keeping system for the techniques and problem- preparation techniques to host
school store. solving protocols to an all-sports banquet for the
troubleshoot case study school.
network malfunctions.

Students use their Students use persuasive writing Students analyze traffic
understanding of all aspects techniques to petition the patterns and use problem-
of the industry to operate school board to support district solving skills to develop
a student-run production policy changes of interest. models and solutions to traffic
company. congestion.

Students use their Students use their Students use newly acquired
understanding of the causes understanding of U.S. second-language skills to
and effects of flooding to immigration trends and laws to interview native speakers
sponsor a town hall meeting develop and present potential about their cultural heritage.
on how to prevent future flood policy solutions to current
damage in the community. immigration debates.


Learn more about applying essential workplace skills from the  SCANS Report. (http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/)

 New Horizons for Learning offers definitions and examples of applied learning. (http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/applied_learning/front_applied.htm)

The  Center for Educational Networking site discusses applied learning skills necessary for twenty-first-century school, career, and citizenship success. (http://www.cenmi.org/LeadingChange/Sp06/article5b.asp)


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Assessment Practices

No PBL experience is complete without opportunities for students to receive quality feedback during and after their project work. Projects that feature excellent assessment practices:

Ask students to regularly reflect on their learning using clear project criteria that they helped to set.

Involve adults from outside the classroom to evaluate student work and help students develop a sense of real-world standards.

Provide opportunities for ongoing assessment of student work through a range of methods, including exhibitions and portfolios.

Quality project assessment involves both formative and summative feedback. During the project, students reflect on their own progress, receive formative feedback from peers and teachers, and have opportunities to improve their work and address issues raised by reviewers. At the end of the project, summative evaluations of student products and performances are provided by teachers and other adults who judge student work in relation to predetermined quality indicators as described on project rubrics.

Examples of projects that feature assessment practices

Student team PowerPoint TECHNOLOGY Students participate in mock

presentations on key economic Student teams create a web- interviews in front of district
concepts are rehearsed in front based electronic magazine. personnel staff. Students
of peer reviewers and graded Articles are reviewed by a write up reflections on their
on a rubric by a panel of language arts teacher, while performance and debrief
employer partners. technical aspects are reviewed the experience with their
by a technology teacher. interviewers.

Students work with the Students complete multiple Student teams prepare solutions
teacher to develop rubric drafts of a research paper to complex mathematical
criteria and descriptors for focusing on a current issue scenarios, then receive critical
a sculpture project, then of interest. Students receive feedback from other teams
use the rubric to provide feedback on each draft from working on different problems.
feedback to their peers. a different source: peers, Final presentations include
parents, employer partners, evaluations of the group
and the teacher. process.

Students work with real Student teams studying Students prepare and
scientists to develop criteria twentieth-century social deliver oral presentations
for assessing experimental revolutions in the United States in a second language. After
methods, then conduct write research papers, create the presentation, students
experiments and evaluate their video documentaries, and deliver view a video recording
process using those criteria. informational teaching sessions. of their performance and
Students receive formative write a formal evaluation of
feedback on each product, and their language and delivery
final versions are evaluated using based on a speaking and
rubrics distributed at the outset presentation rubric.
of the project.


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The  4Teachers site offers checklists for teachers to use while designing PBL experiences. (http://pblchecklist.4teachers.org/checklist.shtml)

 Northwest Regional Education Laboratory describes assessment of a project-based learning experience on their site. (http://www.nwrel.org/request/2002aug/assessment.html)

 Kathy Schrock’s extensive site for best practices in teaching and learning features an assessment section with authentic tools and prompts for teachers to adapt or adopt. (http://school.discovery.com/ schrockguide/assess.html)

The  Coalition for Essential Schools has extensive resources for all assessment practices. (http://www.essentialschools.org/pub/ces_docs/resources/cp/assess/assess.html)

 Looking at Student Work is dedicated to processes and protocols for examining the work students are creating in the classroom. Is the evidence sufficient to demonstrate learning? How do we know? (http://www.lasw.org/)


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Project Delivery

How can teachers ensure that their students will succeed in complex project work? Part of the answer lies in providing students with the supports needed to complete the task. Like real scaffolds that support people who work on buildings high above the ground, “project scaffolding” refers to the time, tools, and training students need in order to succeed during the risky business of project work.

Below are several key scaffolds that teachers must consider when implementing sophisticated classroom projects.

Types of Project Scaffolding

Structure Critical organizing features of the • Students split into project teams or
project that determine who does groups.
what and when. • Each team investigates a different health

topic, but all create a public service video.

Content Any classroom activity that covers the • Interactive lecture on customer service.
foundational topics, concepts, and • Reading and discussion on how
standards that students need to know
computer networks are structured.
for the project.

Training Explicit skill-building for students • Modeling of key steps in creating a
in group work and all required PowerPoint presentation.
production areas. • Explicit group communication training.

Expertise Professional-level training and • Guest artist teaches students how to set
consultation provided by outside up lighting for a video shoot.
experts or adults in the community. • Marketing executive helps students

improve text phrasing for a website.

Oversight Structured times for teachers to meet, • Teacher informally interviews each
motivate, and mentor student teams. student team during project workdays.
• Project teams give progress report to
teacher halfway through project.

Documents Handouts to help explain and • Project descriptors and calendars.
organize project. • Project rubrics, deadlines, check sheets.

Tools The technological resources necessary • Computers, software, video cameras.
to produce required products. • Display boards, scissors, glue, paper.

Time In-class opportunities for students to • Thirty minutes of project time each day.
meet, research, produce, exhibit, and • Designated “project days” – extended
periods of time for student project work.


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Project Implementation Tools

Below are links to tools and templates that can assist teachers in designing and delivering quality projects.

 Project Design Template (http://pearsonfoundation.org/NAF/downloads/SixAsDesignTemplate.pdf) This comprehensive template leads teachers through key elements of the project design process.

 Project Rubric Templates (http://www.bie.org/pbl/pblhandbook/BIE_PBLrubrics.pdf)

This tool from the Buck Institute for Education helps teachers develop rubrics for assessing different aspects of project work.


The Coalition of Essential Schools’  guide to scaffolding can help teachers support project learning. (http://www.essentialschools.org/cs/resources/view/ces_res/85)


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